The Seattle Post-Intelligencer

October 28, 2002
Voters, make third time the charm for Monorail


"Royer says 'no' to monorail" (Oct. 16) is a no-brainer. Having already voted twice for the monorail, I'm angry as heck that Seattleites have to vote yet again on the monorail, this time for half of what was previously proposed: downtown as the hub central terminal, with "arteries" in an "X" pattern to Ballard, Lake City, Rainier Beach and West Seattle.

Having helped destroy Seattle as the once-heralded "most livable" city, the former mayor's remarks show he's lost in the Seattle World's Fair 1962 monorail vision. Joining him are most of the so-called professional traffic engineers for the city, King County, other nearby counties and state government who continually oppose any workable solutions. The hilarious rail project to the airport is planned to stop a full mile away from Sea-Tac Airport.


When Boeing eventually leaves Puget Sound, which everyone seems to know will happen with the exception of Boeing's unions, and is followed by high-tech employers as we continue to choke on avoidable vehicular traffic, we can again thank Royer and his colleagues for doing nothing.

The past is certainly prologue. Royer should try commuting in Vermont or Acapulco. I can't wait to vote yet again for the monorail, and with gusto.

Akiva K. Segan