THE JT NEWS – VOICE OF JEWISH WASHINGTON, Seattle (formerly The Jewish Transcript)

July 8, 2005
A Christian alternative

Now that two letter writers have attacked Jews for using the term "right wing Christian" (May 27, June 24) while ignoring that right wing Christians themselves, including their own media pundits, use the term without blinking, why should Jews be condemned for using a term that Christians themselves use with pride?

As for the first letter writers claim that right-wing Christians are pro-life, this is one of the great myths and lies perpetrated by the current crop within the Republican party after it was overtaken by by a coalition of theological evangelicals and fundamentalists with those who are beholden to the multi-national corporate sphere.

Both letter writers, each embracing Christianity as "natural allies" of Jews, would have JTNews readers believe that the right-wing conservative, fundamentalist and evangelical Christianity in the U.S. is the only ethical, moralistic and righteous Christianity in the U.S. It isn't so.

There are plenty of Christians of conscience who attend churches around the country, and in Puget Sound too. Unlike the right-wing Christians, these churches have long abandoned the racist and hateful practice of proselytizing non-Christian children and youth.

They have been active in opposing an illegal and ill-conceived war, and they stand behind the right of Israel to exist with strong borders and the right of the Palestinians to a homeland. These Christians of conscience should be applauded by Jews for their integrity on pro-human rights positions on issues local to global that impact all of us. The right-wing Christians have a far different agenda.


Akiva Segan,